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Commendations, either verbal or written, are one of the best ways to let someone know that you appreciate their good work. A commendation for an employee of the Los Altos Police Department is most often sent to the Chief of Police. You may also advise the employee’s supervisor or Watch Commander by calling (650) 947-2770. Your comments can be made in person, by phone, email, or by using our employee Compliment Webform.


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All Police Departments in the State of California are required by law to have a process by which a civilian may make a complaint against police personnel – PC § 832.5(a)(1). The information below will assist anyone who has occasion to make a complaint against any Los Altos Police Department employee.


Since we consider your complaint to be a serious matter, we offer you a choice as to

how to submit your complaint. A complaint may be submitted in one of two ways:


1. Directly to the Los Altos Police Department (PD)


A complaint may be made by telephone, mail, email, online webform,  or in person. Since we consider your complaint to be a serious matter, you will be contacted by the on-duty Watch Commander. We may need to request your name, address and/or telephone number so that a thorough investigation can be completed and then provide you feedback.  You may also choose to file an anonymous complaint, although anonymous complaints may make it more difficult to complete a thorough investigation because there will be no way to contact you for more information or to give you feedback


In Person:

Los Altos Police Department

1 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos, CA 94022


By Phone:

(650) 947-2770


By Email:

Fill out one of these Civilian Complaint Information forms, then save it to your computer and email as an attachment to


Online Webform:
Complaint Webform for PD


2. Directly to the Independent Intake Official (IIO)


The IIO is a person working in the department of the City Manager who is responsible for taking in complaints and monitoring complaint progress through the PD complaint investigation system. The IIO does not do investigative work, only the PD conducts investigations, but the IIO can ask for status updates and outcomes.


A complaint may be made by telephone, email, or online webform to the IIO, Stephanie Atigh.  If you prefer to remain anonymous, you may still provide your contact information to the IIO who will keep that information confidential from Police Department staff at your request.  Providing your information to the IIO will ensure you receive follow up communication as to the outcome of any complaint investigation.


Find out more about our Independent Intake Official (IIO):  Stephanie A. Atigh, Attorney at Law


By Phone:



By Email:

Fill out one of these Civilian Complaint Information forms, then save it to your computer and email as an attachment to


Online Webform:
Complaint Webform for IIO



You can fill out any of the following PDF forms, then save it to your computer and email it as an attachment to the PD at or to the IIO at


Complaint Submission Form (English)


Complaint Submission Form (Spanish)


Complaint Submission Form (Mandarin)

Complaint Information Form
Complaint to PD
Complaint to IIO



For additional information pertaining to the policies and procedures of the Los Altos Police Department, refer to our Training & Policies section.


The "Complaint & Commendation Information Brochure" is available below and can give you an overview of the process.


Complaint & Commendation Procedure Brochure (English)


Complaint & Commendation Procedure Brochure (Spanish)


Complaint & Commendation Procedure Brochure (Mandarin)


The flowcharts below are also available to help give a visual overview of the process.




Informal Complaint Flowchart


Formal Complaint Flowchart

Note that the IIO is responsible for an annual public report as shown in the flowcharts.  However the report will not include personal identifying information (PII) about complainants or officers.


Have more questions?  Check out the FAQ page or contact the PD or IIO for any further information.

Complaint Process
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