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School Resource Officers

Elimination of SROs at LAHS

SRO's are no longer present at Los Altos High School as of the start of the 2021 school year.  But the SROs were never fully present on campus anyway - they were time-shared between 15 schools, so the SRO only spent a portion of their time on campus.  If any issues came up at other times, a regular LAPD or MVPD officer would show up.  So the problem of police on school grounds to deal with non-violent crime is still an issue.  Police will still be called for mental health crises, misbehavior, truancy, and violence.  The school district has yet to come up with any alternatives to policing.  We have been calling and writing in to MVLA School District Board Meetings to try to push for alternative methods of maintaining safety on campus, including Restorative Justice practices.  But so far, the School District has not taken any actions.


If you would like to get involved in pushing for alternatives to policing, sign up for our mailing list and we will let you know when we intend to push for more action.

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